Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Exciting Successes!!

We are so excited to get the wonderful emails from everyone about the success they are having! Here are a few of the emails we've rec'd recently. Feel free to share your success!

"I'm down 18 lbs, but I feel like I'm truly living life again! Days are no longer running together and I'm handling stress much better. I look forward to all my workouts and am truly impressed with my stamina and strength!!" K.B.

"I weighed Saturday night and Sunday morning because when I weighed Saturday night I could not believe my eyes. I have lost a total of 29 lbs! I am so pumped!" D.C.

" I have lost 15 lbs since the beginning of the Challenge and feel better than I have felt in years!" D.W.

"I am 67 years old an cannot believe some of the things I am doing. I feel 15 years younger!" C.C.


Alexa said...

Hi, Ive lost about 11 lbs. so far and about a pant size. I feel alot happier and less connected to food. I am blogging everyday and you can follow by going to my picture and adding me. Thanks for all you help and support. Alexa

NWLC said...

That's so great Alexa! I checked out your blog and it's great. I just can't sign in b/c when I get the word to type in to verify, it doesn't come up for me. Not sure why!?
Keep up the hard work - it will definitely pay off! It looks like it already has!

Unknown said...

I have tried another way to lose
weight. I tried adipex and it is
really effective. i have lost lots
of weight. I ordered it online from
www.medsheaven.com I highly
recommend this, and this didn't
require a prescription! ST